State Bank of Patiala Retired Officers’ Association (Regd.) , Patiala CONSTITUTION

1. NAME : The name of the Association is State Bank of Patiala Retired Officers’ Association (Regd), hereinafter referred to as “the Association”.

2. HEAD OFFICE : The Head Office of the Association shall be at Patiala.

3. DEFINITIONS : The following expressions used herein, shall mean unless the context otherwise provides:-

a) “Member” means retired officer/resigned/retired under VRS/Exit scheme of State Bank of Patiala excluding dismissed, removed or compulsorily retired from the Bank.

b) “Bank” means State Bank of Patiala hereinafter referred to as “the Bank”.

c) “Executive Committee” shall mean and have the reference as may hereinafter appear in the Constitution.

d) “Management Committee” shall mean and have the reference as may hereinafter appear in the Constitution.

4. OBJECTS : The objects of the Association are:-
a) To bring together the retired officers of the Bank and to foster the feelings of brotherhood, friendship and fellowship.

b) To keep up and continue the relation with the Bank, the previous employer and to seek all help, succour and patronage from the Bank for all the retired officers and beneficiaries of family pension generally or for any individual officer who may be in need thereof, other than by way of litigation.

c) To strive for the financial betterment of .the retired officers/family pension beneficiaries such as pension, medical aid, concessions of any nature which the Association considers fit and proper, rate of interest on deposits and all retiral benefits as available to Bank/other public sector/government employees.

d) To raise and acquire such money or moneys, by subscriptions, levies, donations from
members/other persons and/or agencies as may be determined by the Association and as
may be necessary for the furtherance of the objects of the Association.

e) To co-operate, coordinate and affiliate with organizations particularly those having similar objects in India or outside.

f) To acquire, dispose of and lease out any movable or immovable property of the Association for furtherance of objects of the Association.

g) To secure to the members through negotiation, litigation, collective bargaining or any other constitutional and legal process, adequate compensation for the services rendered by them to the Bank, fair post-retirement conditions and terminal benefits, effective machinery for redressal of grievances and to provide legal assistance to members in respect of matters arising out of or incidental to their requirements with the approval of executive committee.

h) To engage in public welfare activities, like help for natural calamity victims, help to the needy, poor students and general public irrespective of caste and creed.

5. MEMBERSHIP : Membership shall be open to all the retired officers of State Bank of Patiala . A member shall not be eligible to nominate, support the nomination or agree to such a nomination or cause himself /herself to be nominated unless he/ she has paid membership/annual fund/levy etc. up-to date. There shall be two types of membership i.e. life membership and honorary membership.

(i) Life members : Membership shall be open to all eligible retired officers of the Bank as mentioned in ‘Definitions’ i.e. clause 3(a) above, who pay membership fee and annual subscription as may be prescribed by the Association from time to time.

(ii) Honorary members : The Association shall have the discretion/ powers to grant honorary membership to persons of outstanding nature subject to eligibility criteria contained in clause 3(a) above. An honorary member would not be subjected to payment of membership, subscription and levy etc.

6. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE : The Management Committee shall consist of President, Senior Vice-President, Vice-President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, Three Organising Secretaries, Finance Secretary and Asstt. Finance Secretary. The Management Committee shall be empowered to take decisions on urgent and immediate matters which will be put up to the Executive Committee in their ensuing meeting for information/confirmation. The presence of at least four members of Management Committee will make the necessary quorum.

7. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : The Executive Committee shall consist of all the members of the Management Committee and other nominated members at the rate of one for every twenty five members or part thereof on its roll with a minimum of ten members and maximum of thirty five members. At least one member each from sub-units located at outstations shall be co-opted on the recommendations of the concerned sub-unit so as to give representation to the sub-units. The members of the Executive Committee will be nominated by the President in consultation with the management committee members. Any vacancy in the post of office bearers after election will be filled in by electing any one from amongst themselves and consequent vacancy shall be filled by co-option out of the members by vote of majority in the Executive Committee. All the matters moved in the Management Committee / Executive Committee shall be decided by majority vote by those present. The President of the meeting shall have a casting vote. The presence of at least seven members of Executive Committee shall be necessary to form a quorum to hold the meeting. No quorum shall be necessary for adjourned meetings of Executive Committee/Management Committee.

8. ACCOUNTING YEAR : The accounting year of the Association shall be April to March every year.

i) The election will be held in the month of September/October/November after every three years. Executive Committee members will be nominated afresh on completion of every term.

ii) All the office bearers of the Management Committee shall be elected in the annual general meeting in the month of September/October/November for a period of three years.

iii) Returning Officer will be appointed by the Executive Committee/Management Committee for the purpose of conducting the election who is empowered to disqualify any nomination which is not in accordance with the Constitution.

iv) DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF RETURNING OFFICER : For the smooth conduct of triennial elections, one Returning Officer is appointed as per Para 9(iii) of the Constitution to elect all members of the Management Committee for a period of 3 years. He shall be assisted by an eligible member appointed by the Executive Committee/Management Committee. Returning Officer shall adopt the following procedure for the smooth conduct of elections:-
a) He shall receive a list of members seven days in advance from the Association who are eligible to contest in the elections.

b) Eligible members shall file their nominations at least three days in advance to the Returning Officer.

c) Nomination papers must be got signed from at least two eligible members.

d) He shall issue a detailed circular, depicting therein, eligibility criteria of the candidates seeking elections, number of posts for which elections to be held, criteria for filing nomination papers and the time schedule etc.

e) Efforts should be made to hold the elections unanimously and avoid contests.

f) In such cases, a panel of names of the eligible members to be elected for various posts be put up to the House for approval and if approved, other nominations received for posts thus approved by the House will get cancelled automatically.

g) After the elections are held, he shall announce the results for which Association will issue the Circular for the information of all the retired officers.

v) An office bearer shall not be eligible to be elected for total tenure of more than two terms, whether on the same or another post.

(i) President : Shall be executive authority of the Association. He shall preside over all the meetings of the Association, Management Committee and Executive Committee. He shall confirm minutes of the previous meeting held . He shall exercise his casting vote in case of need. The President has the power to summon special meetings of the Executive Committee/Management Committee and may invite any member as he may deem fit in the Executive Committee meetings.

(ii) Senior Vice President : Shall assist the President. He shall perform the duties and responsibilities of President in his absence.

(iii) Vice President : Shall assist the President.

(iv) General Secretary :
a) Shall act and perform all such duties in consultation with the President, for conducting the affairs of the Association. He shall, take minutes of all monthly/general body/Executive Committee meetings/Management Committee meetings, conduct all correspondence, convene meetings and exercise his supervision over the affairs of the Association.

b) He shall prepare, at the close of the year, a report on the working of the Association for the period showing its activities, progress, financial position etc.. He shall cause to prepare a balance sheet annually showing clearly every item of receipt and expenditure.

c) He shall engage in consultation with the President or subject to the approval of the Executive Committee any assistance for organisational and clerical purpose, if considered necessary and all such staff shall be under the control of the General Secretary. He shall conduct negotiations and also sign agreements along with the President or Senior Vice President on behalf of the Association, subject to approval of Executive Committee.

(v) Joint Secretary : Shall assist the General Secretary in his work and shall work as General Secretary in his absence.

(vi) Finance Secretary : Shall receive all moneys payable to the Association by the members and others, issue receipts of amount received and disburse all payments for and on behalf of the Association. He shall make payments towards all expenditure sanctioned by the Executive Committee and duly verified by the President. All withdrawals of money from the Bank shall be under the joint signatures of the President or General Secretary with the Finance Secretary. He shall keep accounts and hold in custody and be responsible for all properties and valuables of the Association. During the absence of the Finance Secretary at any time, the President shall have the power to nominate any of its members to officiate in his place. He will also put up detail of all the expenditure to the President and General Secretary every month for their information.

(vii) & (viii) Organising Secretaries : Both the Organisiing Secretaries shall assist the General Secretary in organisational matters/activities particularly in the enrolment of new members.

11. REMOVAL OF THE OFFICE BEARERS : Any member of the Management Committee can be removed from his/her respective office before the expiry of his/her tenure, on the basis of charges of violation of the Constitution and/or for anti-association activities by the general body, in accordance with the following procedure:-

The charges against any member, other than the President, may be preferred in writing addressed to the President and to Senior Vice-President in case charges are against the President, by at least 50 members of the Association. On receipt of the letter, the President or Senior Vice-President as the case may be, shall immediately appoint a committee of 3 ordinary members, other than those who have charged the member to investigate the charges and submit report within 10 days. The committee, amongst them, shall appoint a convener who will preside and hold the meetings. After receipt of the report from the committee, a general body meeting is called by the President/Senior Vice-President, as the case may be, to discuss and to take a final decision. The decision should be taken at least by two third majority of members present in the meeting. The charged members are not eligible to vote.

12. MEETINGS : The following meetings shall be held by the Association :-
(i) Annual general meeting shall be held once a year in the month of September/October/November, where-in General Secretary’s Report shall be placed along with audited accounts as on the close of March every year. The House will approve the report and accounts after discussion. Minutes of the annual general meeting will be compiled and read out in the next monthly meeting at Patiala. The decisions taken in the general body meeting will be implemented simultaneously and reported/reviewed in the next annual general meeting.

(ii) Executive Committee shall meet at least once a quarter or as and when required to be called by the General Secretary, in consultation with the President. Ordinarily, three days’ notice along with agenda shall be sent for a meeting of the Executive Committee to the members. All decisions taken in the Executive Committee meeting shall be reported in the next monthly meeting for information of the members, in general..

(iii) The Management Committee shall meet whenever considered necessary by the President/General Secretary at short notice depending upon its urgency. However, the meeting should be held at least once in every two months.

(iv) The Association shall hold the monthly meetings at Patiala and at sub-centres on dates convenient to the members.
A member of the Executive Committee who absents himself/herself for three consecutive meetings of the Committee, without notice of absence for valid reasons shall be deemed to have vacated his/her seat from the Committee. The Committee shall, however, have the right to waive the operation of this rule in deserving cases at their option.

13. AUDITORS : The Association, in its Annual Meeting, shall appoint two members of the Association as auditors to audit the accounts of the Association. The auditors shall audit the accounts for the said year by 31st May to enable the Management Committee to review the accounts to the House in the general body meeting.

i) Funds of the Association shall be deposited in State Bank of Patiala and shall be operated upon under the joint signatures of the Finance Secretary along with the President or the General Secretary.

ii) Any amount received shall first be deposited with the Bank for credit to the Association’s Account within two/three days of the receipt. The expenditure/payment shall be made by withdrawing money from the Bank account.

15. POWERS TO AMEND CONSTITUTION : The constitution and by-laws may be amended, altered, replaced, rescinded or added to at any time by a resolution passed by at least two-third majority of the members present at the Annual General Body/Foundation Day Meeting.

16. DISSOLUTION : The Association may be dissolved by resolution passed by majority of three-fourth in a meeting specially called for the purpose and the funds of the Association may be disposed of as directed in the resolution.
16 (A) In case of dissolution of State Bank of Patiala Retired Officers’ Association (Regd.), Patiala, the assets left, after paying the liabilities will be handed over to some other Association/Union/Trust/Organization, having similar objects.

17. TERMINATION : The Executive Committee of the Association shall be competent to remove from the Register the name of any member:-.
(i) who has submitted his/her resignation in writing.

(ii) whose conduct in the opinion of the Executive Committee is contrary and detrimental to the interests of the Association.

(iii) In case any member enrolls himself/herself in contravention of definition 3(a) then his/her name shall be removed from the Association’s record.

(iv) No member shall be removed from membership, unless he/she has been given an opportunity by the Executive Committee to clarify his/her position. In case of no response from the member within 30 days, he/she shall deem to have forfeited his/her membership. A member who is removed from the membership by the Executive Committee for misconduct, shall have the right to appeal at the ensuing general body meeting. The decision of the general body shall be final.

18. SUB-UNITS : The Association may create its sub units at a place where more than 20/25 members are residing in its periphery.
(i) Each sub-unit shall nominate one of its members as its convener, who will be known as Secretary of the Association.

(ii) He will maintain proper attendance-cum- proceedings register and will report the proceedings of the meetings to the General Secretary regularly. He will also collect funds/dues of the Association from the members and send the same to the Finance Secretary/General Secretary at the earliest. He will also enroll new members with the assistance/co¬operation of the existing members.

(a) The power with regard to all residuary subjects/matters, not explicitly enshrined in this Constitution, is vested in the general body of the House. In case of any eventuality for taking some necessary action in the interest of the Association on any of the residuary subjects/matters, the President, with prior approval of the Executive Committee, may seek necessary power from the general body, for taking appropriate action in the matter. The general body shall take decision by a two-third majority of the local members of the Association.

(b) Committees and sub-committees can be formed and given specific assignments/tasks by the House from time to time. All such committees will automatically dissolve at the end of March every year, when the accounts are closed.


All the incomes, earnings, movable or immovable properties of the Association shall be solely utlilised and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as forth in the Memorandum of Association and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any manner what so ever , to the present or past members of the Association or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or the past members. No member of the Association shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the Association or make any profit, whatsoever, by virtue of his/her membership.

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